The team

For those of you who don’t know us, we are:  Matt (an IT consultant), Nicki (a junior doctor), and our three children, Maddy (19), Gabe (15) and Nate (11).  Although Matt and Nicki are separated, we enjoy a good friendship and come together in all of our fundraising endeavours.

We are all lucky enough to live a hectic and healthy life in the heart of rural Leicestershire.  6 years ago, we were inspired by, Tom our wonderful friend in the photos above (courtesy of Origin Photography), to raise money for the Duchenne UK.  We have so far taken part in long distance walks, cycle rides, swims and marathons and have managed to raise more than £58,000, thanks to your generosity. Huge thanks!

To find out more about gorgeous Tom, please watch the short video by clicking on the picture on the right hand side of this page or visit our home page.  To donate, please click here or on our Just Giving icon to the right of this page.

We are absolutely committed to raising money to further research into this devastating  children’s disease because a significant clinical breakthrough really is now in sight; continuing this research will mean the difference between life and death for the current generation of affected children.


8 thoughts on “The team”

  1. Well done Team Lygo, nice to meet you this morning on the Ridgway, all the best on your fundraising efforts, and best wishes to your friend Tom. Regards Simon ( the mountain biker)

    1. Thank you Simon. Lovely talking to you and thank you for your generous donation! Hope you reclaimed your status as King of the Hill and wishing your nephew a speedy recovery and bright future. x

  2. Hi Nicki

    Really good to meet you this afternoon on The Pennine Way and hear about your phenomenal efforts. We were both incredibly impressed by what you have achieved and how much money you have raised for this truly awful disease.

    You seem to be a real “can-do “sort of person and as I mentioned when we were chatting, I cannot believe that the main walking magazines like “Trail” or “The Great Outdoors” would not be interested in your story and success-it’s got to be a great inspiration for the whole walking community.

    Go on! Don’t be too modest- share your achievements. If I can be of any help, do shout up

    All the best to you and to Tom


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words Colin. It was great to meet both of you and have a chat. I left with my spirits lifted! I’ll be in touch in the next week or two if that’s ok? I could do with some help and advice in what to send them should I go ahead! 🙂

      And many thanks again for your kind donation!


    1. Hi Andrew!

      Anyone doing it twice is the boss of the Pennine Way, so consider your title fully retained! Hehe. Nice to hear from you and thanks for your congratulations. I’m already working on ideas for fundraising next year, but it’ll be hard to top the beauty of the PW. Enjoy your next challenge!


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